Friday, January 7, 2011

A funny things happened while I am really sick

It has been a long time that I haven't got sick. These few days, I got really sick. But I still need to work long hours. A computer networking guy on the phone heard my voice and ge ge laugh once a while, and said, " you sound terrible! ke ke" I said with my terrible voice, " Sorry with my voice, I got flu." He said, " Wish you better!" I don't usually lose my voice like this.

Today, it is funnier. I am drinking the medicine which supposed to cure my throat since I cough a lot. The medicine bottle is looked like an alcohol container. My coworker wonders, " Why does this girl drink alcohol while working." I feel so funny, everyone I ask, they all thought I am drinking alcohol.

I said, " girls, got to stay away from me, I got flu."

No wonder my fortune cookie showed it to me today, " Happiness is a state of mind." Indeed. I will recover not only the physical health, but also the state of my mind."

I believe myself. I can do it.

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